Tune in to listen to Avinoam Zelenko, Senior Product Manager of Feed at LinkedIn, share the stories behind some of his best product wisdom & career tips for new and aspiring product managers.

Avinoam product wisdom & career tips discussed in this episode

  1. Try to solve the problem any way you can, don't wait for a perfect solution
  2. Worry less about looking the role and trying to check the boxes of like what a PM should be doing
  3. During change, you have to bring people along for the journey- applies to the people you are working with and applies to your customers
  4. If you're doing anything that involves change, like change management, it is not a sideline thing, it is not the byproduct, it is a thing within itself that deserves principles and attention, and thoughtfulness
  5. There are problems everywhere, all around you, try to solve them any way you can, but you can't solve them on your own, so be collaborative, get out of theoretical, get into the driver’s seat

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